Empowering students with language-based learning differences

How to Apply

Applying to Siena
Applications due:
January 17th, 2025 - All Siena Campuses
After this deadline, we will continue to review applications received, either for remaining spaces or for placement in the waiting pool. It is best to contact the admission office regarding available space after the deadline.

Inquire About Siena
We invite you to fill out our online inquiry form, to schedule a discovery call. You may also get to know Siena by exploring this website and following us on Facebook and Twitter.
School Tour
Please click here to set up an in-person tour of our Oakton, Northern Virginia, campus (Grades 3-12; Tuesdays 9:30-11:00am), Silver Spring, Maryland, Forest Glen campus (Grades 5-12; Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am), or the Silver Spring, Maryland, Satellite campus (Grades 3-4; Thursdays 9:30-11:00am) with Admissions to learn more about the program. We are also offering virtual tours through Zoom on select days.
Online Application
Siena's application is available online. Please click the link to reach the online forms. Download the application checklist here as a helpful tool to complete the application.
Northern Virginia- APPLICATION
In addition to the online application itself, a complete submission includes:
- A full psycho-educational evaluation and report completed within the last two years, including:
Cognitive assessment on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), or for Young Adults (WAIS); and
Achievement/academic assessment on the Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA) or similar, including reading, math, and written language. Completed or updated within the last 12 months.
- Other available testing or evaluations, if applicable (Speech/Language, OT, etc.)
- Two (2) teacher evaluations- sent electronically to the teachers within the online application
- Current school records and transcripts; electronic documents are preferred sent to admissions@thesienaschool.org
- Other available information such as IEP's, tutor reports, etc., if applicable
- Financial aid application (if applicable)
- A non-refundable $112 application fee
Service Provider Release Form: Please present this completed form to any related service provider that may be working with your student, for example - tutor, SLP, OT, or psychologist.
Release of School Records Form: Parent(s)/guardian(s) – Please sign and submit directly to the student’s current school. Electronic documents are to be sent to admissions@thesienaschool.org
It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to ensure that the evaluations and records necessary to complete the admission process are sent to The Siena School by the application deadline of January 17th. After this deadline, we will continue to review applications received, either for remaining spaces or for placement in the waiting pool. It is best to contact the admission office regarding available space after the deadline.
If testing or other materials are pending, please contact the admission office to notify them of the timeline. We can provide referrals for testing and evaluation professionals upon request. We can only review an application once all materials have been submitted.
We will begin reviewing individual applications as soon as all elements of the application package are received. After the review, the committee will make a decision regarding student visits. Not all applicants are invited to visit for two full school days. For best consideration, please submit application packages by January 17th. After this deadline, we will continue to review applications received, either for remaining spaces or for placement in the waiting pool. It is best to contact the admission office regarding available space after the deadline.
Student visit
After reviewing the completed application, we will contact you to schedule a student visit if we believe your child may be well served by our program. During the visit, the applicant will possibly participate in assessments: reading, writing, and math. Additional information will be provided to the family when the visit is scheduled.
Parent interview (optional)
In certain circumstances, we may request that the parents visit with Siena staff to discuss the child's application, testing, and learning needs in more detail.
Decision notification
We seek to provide notification of student visits, admissions, and financial aid decisions on a timely basis once a completed application, including all supporting materials, has been received. The notification date for acceptance is February 28th. Once this date has passed, Siena will work individually with families on a rolling acceptance basis.