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At Siena, technology enables us to teach in a multimedia and multisensory format that is highly engaging and well-suited to our students' learning styles. Students have access to assistive technology tools that bolster and expand their academic potential in every classroom. Training students to use these tools to suit their personal learning needs is a central part of our mission. 
Assistive software is built into every device we provide and designed to work even on devices used at home—tools like Text to Speech, Speech to Text, screen masking, intelligent web page simplification, and screen magnification. The reading curriculum at Siena takes advantage of research-backed software for practicing and reinforcing key reading skills. 

Students also have access to:

  • Learning Ally, a library of read-along audiobooks
  • School Chromebooks and the full Google Apps suite for research, content creation, and collaboration
  • Online scholarly databases for primary source research
  • Multimedia hardware and software that allows students to communicate their ideas beyond the margins of a word processor

Bring Your Own Device

Siena provides school-owned Chromebooks for students to use during the school day, but students can also opt to bring their own approved device for academic use. Email for more information on our Bring Your Own Device program.
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