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The Siena School is committed to a strong athletic and physical education program at our Silver Spring campus. Athletics promotes character traits of high value to personal development and success in later life. These traits include the discipline needed to reach standards set by the team and coaches; learning to work with others as a team in pursuit of a common goal; and adherence to codes of fairness and respect. Athletics also plays an important role in creating a sense of community. Time is set aside daily for informal activity, even in the high school.  Students also participate in physical education classes throughout their time at Siena, and have the option of participating in team sports and afternoon athletic enrichment activities.  


The Siena School Athletic Department at our Silver Spring campus supports the academic mission and ideals of the school. The athletic program is an extension of the classroom and teaches sportsmanship, respect, and pride in one’s own accomplishments. Its mission is also to encourage students to participate in a wide variety of offerings, to reach their full potential, and to build character and responsibility.

As a student-athlete, you are required to keep up to date with all of your work. If your grade drops to a D in two or more classes, you have one week to improve your grades. After one week, you will not be permitted to participate in any basketball practices or games until your grades have improved. Siena has numerous support systems in place, so please remember to self-advocate, schedule meetings with your teachers, and work with your advisors as needed. 


Siena will consider expanding its program to include all levels of teams and sports offered by schools within its conference. If you are interested in competing against our school, please contact the Athletic Director. The addition of any team to our program will be based upon the following criteria:

  • Mission appropriateness – As with all extracurricular activities, team goals and behaviors must uphold the mission of Siena.
  • Interest – Students must demonstrate an eagerness to participate as assessed by the Athletic Director.
  • Size of student population – Numbers, as determined by the Heads of School and Athletic Director, must support the sustainability of the sport without negative impact on existing programs.
  • Resource availability – Resources, including staff, funding, and facilities, must be available as assessed by the Heads of School, and Athletic Director.

Existing programs will be reviewed periodically to evaluate their conformance with the above criteria.

Siena Athletics Hall of Fame

Siena Athletics Hall of Fame: Class of 2023

Olivia Douglas, '17 

John Fair, '17

Ayelet Berkowitz, '16

Siena Athletics Hall of Fame: Inaugural Class of 2022

Chase Miles, '15

Ryan Salomon, '12

Hunter Fagan, '17


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