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REGISTRATION MATERIALS Silver Spring- click on the red links below

  • 2024 Family Demographics Form: Go to the Parent Portal here. Complete/Confirm family information under School → Web forms. District Code: TSS-MD

  • 2024 Medical and Annual Forms - Magnus Health Access upload health records and sign off on annual permissions are here. There is also an app (Magnus Health) that you may download to your phone.  Magnus is under Student → Medical. Go to the Parent Portal here.

  • Used for ANY medication given at school. You need one form per medication prescription. 

    For example, if your child takes a lunch medication and you want an as needed (PRN) or OTC medication like Tylenol to be given for a possible headache. You will need two separate prescriptions and two medication forms. If your child visits the dentist during the school year, and the dentist prescribes ibuprofen (OTC) to be given during the school day, you will need to take a copy of this form with you and have the dentist complete the form. Then you will need to bring in the exact same medication in a brand new, unopened container and dosage that is on the prescription and form. Example: Prescribed 200 mg of Tylenol is different from bringing in a bottle of 250 mg Ibuprofen as the dosage and the medication do not match.  

  • Complete health forms packet (21 pages), download immunization, medication, allergy, and annual physical forms here.  These are also available through Magnus but for ease of access prior to a doctor's visit, these are available all year long.

  • Select annual or half-year options. Drop-ins are welcome.  

  • Siena Silver Spring offers many great teams for the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Sports include volleyball, soccer, basketball, softball, and more.

    Registration Coming Soon

  • 7. PE Uniform

    New this year, PE clothes may be worn from either LandsEnd OR Rokkitwear!  

    Siena partners with LandsEnd (THE SIENA SCHOOL 900114786) for PE clothes and Rokkitwear for Siena Spirit Wear.  Students in elementary and middle are required to change into a PE uniform to be able to participate in PE.

    PE Uniform Requirement

    Siena top with logo (a wide variety of styles available on either site), athletic gym shorts or sweatpants, and sneakers. Only the top is required to be purchased from LandsEnd or Rokkitwear and bear the official Siena licensing/name/designs. 

  • 8. Emergency Food Packs

    To expand our ability to prepare for situations when students may be required to be on-site for 24(+) hours, we ask that each family provide an emergency food pack. The packs will be kept on-site during the school year and donated to a food bank in June.

    An emergency food pack is a supply of nonperishable foods. Please put your child’s preferred food into only (1) one-gallon clear, heavy-weight zip-lock bag. All packaged food should be sealed in its original containers to prevent spoilage and should be able to be opened by hand and eaten as is. Click here to download the Emergency Food Packs flyer.

Learn More Here