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Katie Douglas

Katie Douglas
Head of School
Groups: Silver Spring,Administration

Katie Douglas, Head of School — Silver Spring Campus, is an experienced educator with a passion for creating learning environments that expand possibilities for all learners. With over 16 years of experience in independent school education, Ms. Douglas holds a Master’s in curriculum and instruction with a focus on special education and English language learners from The George Washington University. Furthermore, she earned a B.A. in sociology from Haverford College and completed the certificate in advanced educational leadership at Harvard University. Ms. Douglas has participated in several programs designed to enable school leaders to problem-solve issues of equity and justice. A lifelong learner and tireless advocate for education that engages and nurtures every child, Ms. Douglas believes deeply in the potential of students who learn differently. 

Why I Work At Siena: because I believe in the limitless potential of students who learn differently. I also believe in communities that value people first and recognize the immense heart and skill it takes to be an effective teacher.

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