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Avery-Grey Dos Santos

Avery-Grey Dos Santos
High School Sience Teacher
Groups: Silver Spring,Teacher

Avery-Grey Dos Santos, middle and high school science teacher, received their Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Secondary Education from Washington College. While at Washington, she received the Biology Teaching Award and also helped create an interactive museum curriculum surrounding the local environment for The Crooked Tree Museum and Cultural Heritage Center in Belize. Aside from biology, Avery-Grey has experience with college-oriented teens as a former tour guide of four years for her alma mater. She has a passion for making learning accessible and helping students grow as individuals. Outside school, she can be found learning new languages, baking, crocheting, or reading romance and mystery novels.

Why I Teach At Siena: Because Siena recognizes that students are multifaceted and bring with them a unique experience. With this acknowledgement, they create an accessible and inclusive environment for every student to flourish, by supporting them and their interests as individuals.

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