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Nick Franson

Nick Franson
High School Science Teacher and High School Director of Student Life
Groups: Silver Spring,Teacher

Nick Franson, high school science teacher and high school director of student life, earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park. While in college, he gained a strong foundation in robotics, manufacturing, and product design. After graduating and working four years in the mechanical contracting industry, Mr. Franson began his career in education as the engineering teacher at a STEM-focused school in Virginia. Outside school, you can find Mr. Franson cooking, hiking, and playing sports.

Why I Teach At Siena: Every day, I feel like I learn just as much from the students as they learn from me. They teach me how to be a better person, about the world around us, and how to view things from others' perspectives. 

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