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We understand the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for successful 21st century learners. Siena works continually to incorporate new research, resources, and methods for engaging students and fostering interest in these areas.  Interdisciplinary lessons and classes expose students to real-world applications for science and math. Building bridges, designing solar cars, and engineering robots give students a peek into active fields of study and work.  

Siena offers not only rigorous science and math courses but also rotating electives such as technology, robotics, and engineering for students to explore the many possibilities that STEM offers. Classes employ phenomena-based learning and are project-based, asking students to work individually and collaboratively to problem-solve real-world scenarios. Lessons encourage students to think flexibly and creatively to answer questions and craft experiments. Students exercise the engineering and scientific process, from developing prototypes to presenting findings. Siena works to make science, technology, engineering, and math relevant for students while developing the teamwork, creativity, and communication and critical-thinking skills vital to their success as 21st century learners.

Siena Students and STEM

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